Category: Partner Report

2024 Mid-Year Report

To our HIT Capital partners, I hope this update finds you well, avoiding the hurricanes, and enjoying the summer. Hurricane Beryl spun through our neighborhood on Monday while we were up in Illinois enjoying family and beautiful weather. It appears we kept power and are without damage. As for HIT Capital, the past 6 months Read More …

2023 End of Year Report

To our HIT Capital partners, I hope this update finds you in good health and high spirits as we step into the year of 2024. The latter half of 2023 was a dynamic time for HIT Capital, marked by strengthening our portfolio, establishing a second brokerage, and a continuation of more in-depth research. Our journey Read More …

2023 Mid-Year Report

To our HIT Capital partners, I hope this update finds you happy, healthy and not too smoky. In the first half of 2023 we saw our investments in HIT Capital move up and down and ultimately end at a similar value to where they began. Throughout the first half of the year we continued to upgrade Read More …

2022 End of Year Update

To Our HIT Capital Partners, I hope this update finds you happy and healthy as we launch into 2023. In 2022 we spent the first half of the year building out our investment software and the second half learning from it.  I’ll share a few of our learnings and two top stock picks below after Read More …

2022 Mid-Year Report

To Our HIT Capital Partners, I hope this update finds you enjoying the summer.  The past 6 months have been a boon for HIT Capital’s future.  Externally, we have seen a moderate increase in inflation and a decrease in stock market valuations..  Internally we finished building our investment software and transitioned the majority of our portfolio over to high quality momentum and Read More …

2021 End of Year Update

To Our Partners of HIT Capital, I hope this update finds you doing well and enjoying the beginning of 2022.  We had a successful year building out our value and momentum strategies while maintaining positive returns.  A few of our more exciting accomplishments were in the development of our investment software and the direct integration Read More …

2021 Mid-Year Update

To Our Partners of HIT Capital, I hope this finds you healthy and happy.  It has been a productive start to the year for HIT Capital.  Our investment analysis technology, psychological research and fund performance have all moved in a positive direction.  Performance HIT Capital started 2021 up 14.43%, which was at, and above our Read More …

2020 End of Year Update

To our Partners of HIT Capital, 2020 was an exciting year and although the first quarter started off in the wrong direction, our investments finished strong.  The latter half of the year was not only good for performance but years of research and hard work came to fruition with our database of stock financials coming together. I have a lot to Read More …

2020 Mid-Year Update

To our Partners, I hope this finds you healthy and safe.  We have had an interesting start to 2020 with the rapid spread of coronavirus and the beginning of an anti-racism movement. As for HIT Capital’s performance, we experienced our worst month (-24%) followed by our best (14%).  The market swings, pandemic, riots, and government Read More …

2019 End of Year Update

To our Partners, It is amazing to think another year has already gone by.  I’ll take a moment to recap 2019 before blasting into some of my thoughts for 2020 and beyond. 2019 was a productive year for HIT as global equity markets boomed and our fixed income research bore fruit.  HIT Capital appreciated 28.9% Read More …